How old is your cat in human years

Ever wondered how old your cat truly is in human years? Prepare to be surprised! Your feline friend might be older than you think.

Cat Flossie's Record

Meet Flossie, a British tortoiseshell cat. At 27 years old, she's the oldest living cat. Believe it or not, Flossie is around 120 human years old.

Cat vs. Human Aging

Cat years don't match human years. Your furry buddy might seem young, but they're likely older than you realize. Let's uncover the truth!

First Two Years

Incredible but true: a cat's first year equals 15 human years. By the second year, they age 9 more. So, a 2-year-old cat is like a 24-year-old human!

Aging Beyond Two Years

As the years go by, each cat year is like 4 human years. If your companion has been with you for a decade, they're about 56 human years old.

How to Calculate Their Age

Is your cat over 21? Add 4 human years for each extra year to find their true age. It might be a surprise!

Lifespan Basics

Cats live around 13 to 17 human years on average. Some reach 20, thanks to factors like diet, lifestyle, breed, and genes.

Indoor vs. Outdoor Cats

Indoor kitties have an edge. They stay safe from bad weather, predators, and cars, often living longer than outdoor counterparts.

Age Uncertainty

Indoor kitties have an edge. They stay safe from bad weather, predators, and cars, often living longer than outdoor counterparts.

Cherish Every Year

Whether your cat's a kitten or a senior, every year together is special. Embrace the joy they bring to your life!